Prices in Bucharest - How Much Do Things Cost in Bucharest?
Prices in Bucharest

Prices in Bucharest

Generally speaking, Bucharest is not an expensive city, therefore it's a great option if you're on a tight budget. Having said that, there are more luxurious options if you don't mind spending a little more.

Examples of Prices

Below, we've put together a list of the prices of some typical expenses when in Bucharest.

Food & Drink

  • Coffee: 5 RON (US$ 1.10)
  • Beer: 8 RON (US$ 1.70)

Dinner for two in a good restaurant: around 250 RON (US$ 53.80)


  • One-way metro ticket: 2.50 RON (US$ 0.50)
  • 24-hour metro pass: 8 RON (US$ 1.70)
  • Taxi from the airport to the city center: between 40 RON (US$ 8.60) and 100 RON (US$ 21.50) (approximately).

Tourist Attractions


Double room in a central hotel: from 60 (US$ 64.30) a night.